Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Nut wk7 assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Nut wk7 assignment - Essay ExampleHowever, I took the initiative to put into practice the activities recommended by Mypyramidtracker. The most interesting activity was to carry taboo various body exercises and then calculate the corresponding energy expenditure from the calculator. I also developed the habit of being nutrition conscious and took nurse of my eating habits.The first time I did a food nutrition evaluation, I found that my diet consisted excessive energy-giving foods. Most of my diet consisted of deep heat up potato chips, crumbled bread, almonds roasted with honey, chocolate milk, and cornflakes among others. The results from the calculator indicated that I was taking approximately 3210 Cal which was the above my daily recommended pulmonary tuberculosis of 2630 Cal. Particularly, I was taking an excess of proteins, saturated fats, and carbohydrates. However, I was meeting the daily-recommended intake for total fiber, which I was able to maintain at 25. Vitamins and m ineral elements requirements varied from one vitamin to another. Whereas the diet was exceeding the required daily intake for vitamins A, C, E, and riboflavin, it was falling short of thiamin, potassium, and zinc.After reading and understanding about the various health effects of taking less or more of one nutritionary requirement, I decided to change my diet. I primarily reduced the amount of carbohydrate foods I was taking in a day and supplemented the same with vegetables and fruits. The changes were but noticeable within the first week but I began to record some changes in the third week. It was challenging at first since some of the substitutes were high-priced and difficult to choose from the food stores. For instance, I would not know what type of fruits or vegetables would help me meet or at least maintain the daily-recommended food for thought intake for some vitamins. Therefore, I had to exercise patience and do a lot of trial and

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