Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Council of Graduate Students Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Council of Graduate Students - Assignment ExampleThere is no additional hierarchy amongst the world(a) members. The mathematical crowd is egalitarian in its scope and all the members do have an important role in it. Each general member is expected to altruistically serve the new arrivals at the college and to acquaint them with the institutions culture and values. In the case of any ambiguity or doubt, the general members can address any of the five members of the governing body to seek help and advice. Under special circumstances, the governing body may assign special roles and responsibilities to a take away group of general members. However, such groups happen to be task oriented and usually temporary and membership of such a group does in no way makes any general member superior to other members. As the membership of this group is open to all the college students and is voluntary in its scope and perspective, thereof this group is very close-knit, bound by the common altrui stic aspirations to help, guide and inform the new arrivals at the college. No specific norms tend to govern the group activities. However, the group members are strictly expected to not to succumb to any racial, ethnic, religious, or political considerations while serving the new students. In case it is set up that any member has gone contrary to such aspirations, strict action is immediately taken, which usually comprises of a strong warning. A repetitive breach of the group policy may invite a tough action like a suspension from the group membership.

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