Thursday, May 2, 2019

Spss assingment Speech or Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Spss assingment - Speech or Presentation grammatical caseraw score table above, it is evident that the use of calculator results into a very high soused value score of 116.60 compared to without the use of no calculator. However, in calculator use, the standard diversionary attack of the score is 7.1 compared to 5.1 without calculator. The amount of afford is higher on using a calculator. The t-test shows that, the score with and without a calculator is statistically different at 95% level of significance with a p = .000. in this case, the comparison of the stand fors in the trump out test used since mean measures centrally the whole info.The mean of the scores in not modified education is 106.60 with a standard deviation of 11.62 while that for special education is 106.70 with a standard deviation of 12.74. The mean difference is not statistically different at 95% level of significance and p = .986. This shows that, special education and not special education have got almost the same score level.The mean score for the recently traumatized is 32.15 with a standard deviation of 25.87. The not recently traumatized had a smaller mean of 31.80 with a standard deviation of 24.72. The mean is the best measure of central tendency used to ready the data distribution. The standard deviation on the other hand is the best in showing the data

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