Saturday, May 4, 2019

Freakonomics Podcast Death by Fire Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Freakonomics Podcast Death by Fire - appointee Exampleelectronic equipment, people forgetting and leaving their gas on, and the availability of materials that could easily catch fire roughly the home such as furniture.6. The discussion about creating safer cigarettes is due to the fact that cigarettes cause a push-down storage of the home fires due to smokers leaving their cigarettes winnow outing them after smoking and placing them either knowingly or unwittingly on an ignitable surface. Cigarettes that have not been extinguished if placed on surfaces such as beds or sofas, could easily burn the mattress or sofa as even when it is not being smoked it continues to burn. An discharge safe cigarette has been proposed as the cigarette once placed down will automatically extinguish itself.7. The technology that is taking place with cooking equipment is the origination of temperature regulators that prevent cookers from getting to their auto ignition temperature and installation of motion sensors in the cooker so that if the cooker is left unattended for too long it would shut itself off.10. So umteen people died despite the claim that the building was fire proof since the fire escapes had collapsed and the leavings were not enough for the workers, a stampede ensued which led to the workers falling on each other on the way down the stairs, The exit door to the building was locked, and the lack of fire alarms led to the workers on the nineth floor not knowing earliest enough that a fire had ensued meaning they did not have enough time to exit the

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